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Fair and equitable water resources allocation

SAMI Policy

SAMI policies follow a fundamental belief that irrigators in the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin serve a valuable role in society having both legal and moral rights that must be protected. Active promotion of SAMI policies in political and public forums is key to successful representation of members’ interests.


Secure access to water from a healthy Murray-Darling River system is critical for agricultural production, to protect the livelihoods of thousands of individuals, their families and the river communities in which they live.


SAMI policies cover a wide range of issues which affect or have the potential to affect members. Policy development by nature is responsive and contextual. SAMI seeks to ensure its’ policies remain current and relevant to the operating environment with a view to ensuring a sustainable future for irrigators.


Members of SAMI play a critical role in shaping policies. As important issues emerge, members are invited to express their views and contribute to policy discussions. Contributions are collated and worked into clear policies which help to focus and drive the work we do. At times, as issues change or evolve, our policy positions may be reviewed and updated.

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